
Market Introduction

We introduce our clients to the industry by helping them make the right connections, including with high-level executives in the industry.

Market Analysis

We gather data on the market of interest for our clients. This includes conducting quantitative and qualitative assessments of the market. Market analysis allows our clients to determine how suitable a market is for their business.


We support our clients in the process of a business deal agreement.

Facilitation and

Coordination of Projects

We assist our clients in the implementation of projects and business activities in South Sudan.


We help our clients with every step of the recruitment cycle, to ensure the best candidates are placed in the right position.

Human resource outsourcing

We help our clients with payroll and labour management.

Capacity building

We help our clients conduct assessment needs, which are used to develop material for capacity building.

Legal service

We specialise in Commercial Law of South Sudan, as well as international investment law. We assist our clients on legal matters related to their investment and all business dealings. We also offer pro bona services to South Sudanese business women leaders, to help build their capacity and legal understanding of their business.

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