As part of our Corporate Social Responsibility we believe in rebuilding the foundation of society, which is why we support and work with the South Sudanese Women Entrepreneurs Association (SSWEA). We help them grow their informal businesses that provide little or no job security into businesses that provide stability, job security and opportunities for others.

Currently, and historically, South Sudanese women have been holding together the weak fabric of the South Sudanese society through their natural entrepreneurial trait and absolute necessity. The catastrophic consequences of the civil war in South Sudan had a devastating effect on businesses and livelihoods. Women are most certainly a life line to family survival in the current climate of South Sudan.

Our aim is to transform women entrepreneurs into economically independent women in the main markets in Juba. We support their efforts via the provision of pro bono legal aid, advice and consultation services, skills enhancement and business skills counsel.

We hope to contribute towards a more prosperous society through gender inequality and women empowerment.

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