About the Film

The Divine Mind is a personal message by Luris Mulla to the people of Sudan. It was created in 2009 fours years after the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, which ended 22 years of a civil war. It is a powerful guide for building a sustainable peace, starting from within. The guide is conducted through the intimate views on the fragility but ultimate invincibility of true liberation. The documentary uses footage from the war to depict the struggle of the people on their journey towards independence. This documentary speaks of her peoples struggle and offers a vision for the future.

About the Film

Transformative Autonomy is a sequel to The Divine Mind created in 2010, a year before the referendum. A big event in the history of South Sudan, the referendum produced the world’s youngest nation. This time marks the crucial point for mental freedom as the stepping-stone towards true liberation. The Documentary gives a brief overview of Sudan’s history in hope to inform the people of the Sudan of some forgotten history and help them make an informed decision running up to the South Sudan referendum in 2011.

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